23 January 2013

navigating daily life

Boy have I felt scattered today so far, and the past week. I'm sure lots of you feel that way too, with all the different facets of life to keep up with... jobs, other work, school, kids, families, pets, friends, relationships, keeping up with your home, travel...

AND THEN the things we value but have to squeeze in between the things listed above... writing, blogging, art, music, meditating, exercise, FUN, other endeavors, spending time in nature, spending time in the city... what have you. Let's not forget the guilt that can come with neglecting the top list for things on this one...

It feels a little overwhelming at times, right? I've been trying to get a rhythm down... not a strict schedule, but a certain... flow, to my days. Well, I guess it IS a schedule of sorts, but it's super flexible. Even though day to day can vary a lot, there are certain core things that I need to make time for every day. I am feeling the learning curve of it all, but so far it has helped, somewhat, the scattered feeling, if I can think back to my general time map of what I should be doing... it feels like work, to an extent, but GOOD work, if that makes any sense?

Today I'm a little out of it. The moon is void of course, so the moon's a little out there today too. Void of course, or VOC moon means that it's not making any aspects with any of the other planets. To me it feels almost like a free fall of sorts, unattached  It's in Gemini which can feel this way anyway, unfocused because we're trying to focus on too many things... I feel like I'm vibing with the moon. I could have slept all day, I'll tell you that right now. :) I have a certain song I've been obsessed with (I get like that with songs), and have been listening to it over and over to help me focus somewhat. Necessary when blogging or doing readings. Otherwise I get distracted by every little thing.

Second day of my meditation class. It's a challenge, for sure, for me, to meditate every day. Yesterday I did two five minute stretches. Did one ten minute session today. I started to have the thought yesterday that there's no way I will be able to do this every day... I'm too busy... but that's kind of the point... to work these things, that are important to you and beneficial and really help you to be on the path you want to be on, into your life... slowly, slowly, so it sticks...

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