27 December 2012

full moon coming

It's getting there. Early tomorrow morning it will be exact. The energy is building, for sure. Cancer moon will oppose a Capricorn sun. Cancer, who rules the moon, it's home sign- has to do with women. Capricorn has to do with men, and our current Capricorn sun is also very close to Pluto, so it goes deep- you may be getting glimpses into what you only had surface access to before.

So both areas of these charts- where Cancer and Capricorn are- will be activated. May be already. Illuminated. I must say that I am already seeing evidence of this in my life- in more than one way. And it's not even exact yet. How do you see issues to do with women and men being played out in your life right now? Or is it more subtle than that, for you... They are in opposition, so you may feel in between forces.

This moon is known as the long nights moon, or full cold moon. I personally prefer long nights moon- shout out to the Solstice. Not sure if we will be able to enjoy it in my corner of the world, as the sky is covered with clouds and it has been steadily snowing- but we will see. Enjoy, to people who will be able to see it tonight. :)

Painting by Catherine Sherman Fine Art, and yes, prints are available. :)

Lots of love.
p.s., do you like my blog's makeover? :) The tabs need some TLC but I'm just happy to have them at this point, haha.


  1. yes I do like your blog's makeover - I have a hard time getting tab's to work on my blog - so my hat's off to you xoxo

    1. thanks mary! :)
      it turned out to be easier than i thought- you go to "design," then "pages," and you can choose whether to have them on the top or sidebar, and you can add/edit them from there. good luck! :)
