29 November 2012

healing and neutralizing links for grumpiness

To start I just wanted to say thanks to the people who read this!
I was looking at my stats and it's so cool to see that there's people from all over who visit. :) It makes me really happy!

I've been on a bit of a YouTube kick lately. I wanted to share some of the videos I particularly enjoyed. I hope you like them, too.

The always-fabulous Doreen Virtue on moving forward with your life's dreams. I found the part about how your ego doesn't want to allow you to feel fully prepared/qualified especially interesting- food for thought. :)

This was pretty cool. I'm not sure if everyone would enjoy the bliss coded sound, but I did- but I also need a fan or rain sounds app to sleep, haha.

Another Doreen Virtue one! This one is a chakra clearing meditation. My base, heart, and third eye chakras are my top three to work on at the moment! Love what she says about the base- "Learning to earn money WITHOUT suffering." Now that's a goal I need to move toward...

Sometimes I just like to have stuff like this on, just as background noise... I'll still pick up little bits and pieces that help.

Anyway- hope y'all enjoy. I want to do some more research on SAD treatment, as well- I'm a Northerner and I've become more conscious of my mood shifting since we've had shorter days. I'm grumpy. Heh. So is my kid...

I've been out of touch with my Astrology stuff, lately. I think that whole ego thing is part of it... I'll write more later. xo.

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