24 February 2013

Happy Sunday

Are you riding the wave? The wave of water, of Pisces, of all the Pisces in the sky, in the earth, right now. There's a full moon building, which means the moon will be in Virgo, opposing all the Pisces. Are you moving toward a resolution internally or externally? Which houses hold your Pisces and Virgo? This can give you clues to the areas of life (which the houses represent) that are being activated now.

And let's not forget Saturn in Scorpio. This is working with the Pisces, as both are water signs. What has recently come to light? Things deep within us want air now, want us to recognize them. Want our attention. We are being called to resolve these ongoing issues in our lives. We can resist but, we can try to stuff it back down, but that won't make it disappear. By now you may know where you need to dedicate your energies...

I've been having trouble blogging lately. I think all the Pisces has made it difficult for me to put some things in written word. Feeling things, but having trouble translating them. Funny, because normally for me, writing is how I best express myself. But lately I've been feeling the expression in other ways. Internally. Simply FEELING things. Letting myself feel what I feel, trying not to block them as I so often do because I fear the intensity. Again, riding the wave. 

Also, Tarot. Been sucking me in, I think something else that's been getting my attention, over blogging. And, shockingly, the spoken word. Trying to be more clear in my communications with others. Less foggy. Or maybe I'm still foggy but all the Pisces, which is foggy too, makes connecting, sharing, a little easier.

I didn't mean to write this much. I wanted to share some links and videos I've found lately that I thought others might enjoy. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the Pisces, or full moon, or whatever.

Really enjoyed his take on the current astro weather. :)

My friend Ariana's great blog about RV living (with two kids!) in the American Northwest:: nonschoolvoyager

I love her message here about finding and making some structure, consistency in your life, which I think supports the Pisces, the flowing:: moonplutoastrology

Blogger wouldn't let me embed this video, but this is a helpful, five minute meditation on connecting with your higher self's wisdom:: doreen virtue

looking downriver.

1 comment:

  1. That's super interesting ~ my Mercury is in Virgo, and that has to do with communications, esp. written, right? Could be a good time to finally edit my novel like I was planning :)
