15 February 2016

bring on the aquarius

The latest Mercury retrograde in Capricorn was a doozy for me. I have Mercury retrograde natally, so I feel like I should have a better handle on them in general, but this one had Mercury dragging back and forth over the most sensitive point of any chart, my IC (aka the bottom of the chart). This is also where transiting Pluto is situated, so... yeah. Kinda ouchy on my psyche. ANYway, Mercury hath moved on into Aquarius and is nearly out of shadow. I feel some relief, but still kind of bogged down... then this morning realized that Venus, my ruling planet (Libra rising), is still in Capricorn.  

Tuesday it shall move into Aquarius. Bring it on. In the meantime, on my spiritual to do list:

-smudge myself and my home
-do some housewitchery aka do some cleaning // make the home a sanctuary (the planetary action I'm referring to above is occurring in my fourth house, house of home and the like)
-meditate every day, even if only for 15 min.
-take a magical bath with epsom salt and lavender
-continue to diffuse essential oils (I am getting over a cold so they're useful on that level as well)
-listen to high-vibe YouTube videos (loving Buddhist talks by Pema Chodron and Thich Nhat Hahn, and this great Louise Hay talk from my friend B) and lots of music (as usual)

I'm keeping it simple, as simplicity is everything and, to be practical, it's Feb break so things will be a bit crazier than usual around my place.

What do you think? 

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