20 April 2014

Glimpses of the week

Early spring in downeast Maine.
Happy Easter!
Moon in Capricorn will shortly conjunct Pluto, in orb now. I say lay low if possible. I'm about to have another slice of pie. :) That may be more of a Taurus influence on me though, heh heh.
Hope to have a Tarot video for you next time.
If you like my photos and are on instagram, please follow me @sightsofmaine


  1. Have that pie girl... treat yoself! Great photos, I love the one with the collie... it's like he's looking at you! I think he was! That one's my fave. Excited for more These Wandering Stars to check out!

  2. Oh and it was so good! Pecan pie for life! x

  3. Pecan is like my FAVE pie. PP4L indeed. ;)
